Once again, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. MacBride, Mrs. Monsell, and Mrs. Smeltzer have each selected 5 Great Stone Face books to read and review here. This year, you can join us in our mission to review these books! Just send your GSF book review to Mrs. Smeltzer's email (csmeltzer@sau16.org) and she will add it here. Also, if you want to read a summary of the book and more reviews, just click on the book cover.
1 star = Not worth reading
2 stars = OK
3 stars = Good
4 stars = Very good
5 stars = Awesome
Mrs. Smeltzer - 3 and a half stars
Fans of Charlotte's Web might enjoy this book about an energetic pig who miraculously follows her dreams. It would be fun to make a list of all of the similarities between Wilbur and Flora, the pig hero of this story. Hmm...that sounds like a good idea for a book club! |
Mrs. Monsell |
Mrs. Monsell |
Mrs. Brown - 2 Stars
I have to say that I kept putting this one off as long as I could. Cardboard is my first graphic novel. The style was more enjoyable to read than I thought it would be BUT I thought the story went a bit to overboard. I thought the beginning was good and I liked the concept of cardboard coming to life. However, the progression of the story seemed too far fetched. This was just difficult for me to enjoy.
Still, if you like graphic novels, you may just want to check this book out. A very quick read. |
Mrs. MacBride
Mrs. Smeltzer - 5 stars!
I have been searching for a book this good all year. I was enthralled with the story, and (spoiler alert) it actually has a happy ending. If you like stories about unique people and relationships, you will love this book. |
Mrs. Brown - 4+ Stars
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library, is like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, for book lovers. I really enjoyed reading this book. Mr. Lemoncello, a famous game maker, designs the Alexandriaville's new public library. Twelve 12 year olds, who write the best essay about why the new library is so exciting, will get the chance to spend the first night in the library. What they don't know is that the contest is much bigger than that.
Mr. Lemoncello is an eccentric man, much like the famous Willy Wonka. Where Wonka talked in riddles, Lemoncello talks using book titles (a teacher's dream!)
My only complaint about this book is that I wasn't one of the 12 year olds who got "locked in" the library!
Read it! |
Mrs. Monsell
Mrs. Brown - 2 Stars
Fortunately, The Milk, is a fanciful tale about a father who goes out for milk, so that his children can have some cereal for breakfast, and is taken on a wild adventure through time and space. He meets interesting characters and travels in unique methods, all while his children are at home wondering what could be taking their father so long.
I think if you enjoy wild tales of adventure, this just might be the book for you! |
Mrs. Smeltzer - 3 Stars
Jax, who possesses extraordinary hypnotism powers, gets recruited into an agency of hypnotists. Its other members are extremely competitive, and Jax feels like an outsider. Much of the story is written around what Jax is feeling, and I found myself wishing for more action. If you are a big Gordon Korman fan or are interested in hypnotism, you may enjoy this book. |
Mrs. MacBride
Mrs. Smeltzer - 4 stars
The creepy book trailer is what got me interested in this book (see the GSF book trailer page to watch), and I was not disappointed. Alfred Bunce, and his apprentice Birdie are boglers, hired to kill the bogles which are eating local children. It's a dangerous job, and Miss Eames is concerned for Birdie's welfare. However, Birdie loves being a bogler's apprentice, and can't imagine doing anything else. As the story progresses, we find Alfred and Birdie tricked into a frightful situation, and the story becomes very tense, as if there may a bogle around every corner. The story is set in England, and at times the different vocabulary is a little tricky to read. However, by using context clues and the handy glossary in the back, readers will be comfortable with the language by the end of the book. |
Mrs. Brown - 4 Stars
I really enjoyed this wonderful story about a boy who finds out that life doesn't need to be filled with fear and death. The book is written in verse, which means it looks more like poetry on the page then most books we are used to reading. It is also written from two perspectives: Tony the boy and Gabe the dog. They go back and forth telling the story with rich language and unique imagery. I like to read books with this type of format. It reminded me a bit of One for the Murphys.
Try it! I think most everyone will really like this quick read. I did! |
Mrs. Monsell
Mrs. Brown - 3Stars
Sam is a troubled boy who is going down the wrong path. He is hanging around with the wrong friends and is making really poor choices. He has been picked up by the police several times in the past year and his relationship with his father is getting worse each day. Then, when things seem to go from bad to worse on Christmas, Sam finds himself in a unique situation.
I liked this story because it found a way to turn Sam into a boy you could cheer for. Those are my favorite kinds of books! See what you think. |
Mrs. Smeltzer - 3 stars
Operation Bunny is the first book in the Wings & Co. series. Emily Vole, an orphan, and Fidget, a giant cat (who acts very human, and may even be a human) are enlisted in a battle against an evil witch who turns humans who get in her way into bunnies or zombies. This story takes place in the real world, but has all kinds of magical creatures, including fairies, talking animals, and magical keys and lamps. Sound strange? It is, but if you let your imagination go with it, you will enjoy this silly story. |
Mrs. Smeltzer - 2 stars
I am really disappointed to say that I stopped reading this book. I knew it was not for me when I was going into week two of reading it, but making very little progress. The story is about a boy whose foster parents give him back after they blame him for a fire in their house. Max ends up being placed in an orphanage that is actually a training school for spy kids. To me, this sounded like a fun read, very adventurous and exciting. So what happened? I'm not sure, but I think I read several books with similar themes already. Also, there was a lot of dialogue, and I seem to prefer more narrative. If you like the Genius Files series, or The Hypnotist, you may want to give this book a try, you may like it! |
Mrs. MacBride
Mrs. Smeltzer - 3 Stars The interesting characters were the best part of this story. Sophie is the kind of independent spirit that every girl should be. And her father figure, Charles, is a most understanding and insightful caretaker. Mateo is just plain fun, a Huck Finn type. There are also some terrific quotes like "books crowbar the world open for you" p. 34 and "one should not ignore the smallest glimmer of possibility" on p. 94. Good stuff. |
Mrs. Smeltzer - 4 stars
This one surprised me, I really liked it, and think it will be a great series to add to our library collection. Kids who like to read about strange and unusual creatures, this is the book for you. Ben thinks he is going to have a boring summer when he gets sent to stay at his Grandpa Abe's house in Buttonville. Not to worry, the adventure starts right away when Ben meets Pearl after they both see a strange creature flying above the old button factory. What does this have to do with a sasquatch? It doesn't take long to find out, so jump right in to this story! |
Mrs. Brown - 5 Stars
I wasn't ready for this book. It starts out with stories of 5th grader Derek getting into trouble A LOT! Especially when it involves his nemesis; Budgie. It is funny and is told in the first person, so it is Derek who narrates the story. You feel like a friend is telling you about his life at school. Then, something happens and you are caught off guard as the reader.
I don't want to give any spoilers so I will just say that you should read this book. It will make you smile, laugh and maybe cry.
I love reading books like this! |
Mrs. Smeltzer - 3 stars
Do you know what the stock market is? No? Neither did Lindy Sachs. But when her dad asks her to buy some stocks for him while she was home sick, she learns just how easy it is to make money by buying and selling stocks. She likes it so much, her parents give her $100 to trade with, and soon she doubles her money! Of course, it is just a little too good to be true, and Lindy soon learns about the downfalls of the stock market. If you always wanted to know what the business reports you see on the news are all about, and you love money, give this book a try! |
Mrs. MacBride |
Mrs. Brown - 3 Stars
Whimpy Kid readers and Big Nate enthusiasts, you will like this book! It has quick humor and clever jokes. Timmy Failure (horrible name) is a detective. He has silly plans, crazy mysteries to solve, and drives both his teacher and mother crazy. Now I've hooked you!
Not a favorite style of book for me, but well done for those who do like it. A great choice if you a looking to laugh and have fun with a book. |
Mrs. Monsell |
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