Book reviews written by our Grade 1 students.

This book is about some carrots and a rabbit. The carrots were trying to scare the rabbit because he was trying to eat them. I liked it because it was funny. M.L.

This is about three friends having a sleepover. I love sleepovers. C.K.

Penny finds a marble. I like marbles like Penny. E.G.
Maisy goes swimming in her pool. It is funny. G.L.
It told me all about the characters I already know. L.O.
This is about a German Shepherd's life. I like it because its about dogs. J.T.

Dolphins swim around all over. It is so sweet. R.G.
This about a kitten that thinks everything is a moon. I like kittens. D.C.

I like soup too! H.L.

It's stories about a frog and a toad who are friends. They are funny sometimes. N.I.
This book is about robots. They are in risky jobs. T. M.

It gives you ideas and directions for legos. It's awesome and has lots of great ideas! C.D.

Jack and Annie go to Camelot and unfreezed Morgan. And they meet a reindeer. They are adventurers. M.B.
Drake, Ana, Bo, and Rori are Dragonmasters. I liked this book because they weren't scared. A. M.

Fancy Nancy has a loose tooth. I liked it because she lost a tooth and I lost a tooth. A.A.
A bully is bullying someone. The person she is bullying is trying to get away but she can't. It is pretty funny. S.C.

This is about a party girl. She is funny and sometimes she gets into trouble. L.R.
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