Book reviews written by our Grade 5 students
Dash is a heart warming book that will make you want more and more.Its about Mitsi Kashino and her family when they get taken to a interment camp around the time when the attack on Pearl Harbor took place.She is separated from her friends and her beloved dog Dash.She has one connection to the outside world in which she sends and receives letters with the kind neighbor who is taking care of her dog Dash.I give this book FIVE STARS after you read one page you can not stop. If you have a spot in you heart for dogs you will get a extra bad case of Dash fever. by E.P. |

Ava Anderson can't stop worrying. She worries all the time, she even worries that she can't stop worrying! When Ava gets her hands on a pencil that can answer your thoughts she makes the pencil answer all the questions she wants. It seems great at first but soon Ava realizes that some questions remain better unanswered. I recommend this book to people who like books where something magical happens and the characters become better people because of it.
By S. I., Grade 5

After Alice's aunt passes away she leaves her famous pie crust recipe to her fat cat Lardo. Alice and her friend Charlie try to find out what the recipe is and who destroyed her aunt's apartment looking for the recipe. If you like adventure and mystery this is perfect for you. L.W.

Have you ever seen someone that looks different? That's what Auggie the main character in this story looks like. He had been home schooled his whole life by his mom, then Auggie decided he wanted to go to the local middle school. There he meets friends that turn into enemies and enemies that turn into friends. E.S.
Have you ever wondered what it's like to have a cleft palate and be made fun of at a new school? If you do than read Wonder. It is about a boy with something like a cleft palate who moves to a new school and everyone makes fun of him. He has one friend and she stands up for him and makes him feel like he is just like everyone else. C.O.
Wonder is a very deep and good story. It's a story about a boy that is deformed in the face. In the beginning, the boy isn't treated fairly or kindly. This book teaches you not to judge a book by its cover. You could find out they are better than you really thought. R.L.
Auggie has been home schooled for six years and finally he wants to go to school. When he goes on a tour of the school this kid Julian makes fun of him because he is different. You try to figure out why he is different! C.W.

Are you girly or love baking? Read Confectionately Yours by Lisa Papademetriou. It's a mix of learning important life lessons and dealing with girl drama. I love that you can also learn new, yummy recipes. You learn how important having a good friend is. A.R.
Let's get baking! Confectionately Yours Save the Cupcake is one of the best books that I have ever read! This book is about a girl named Hailey, and the school has banned cupcakes. Hailey tries to get them back and she...Read the book to find out if she saves the cupcakes!

Do you love animals? If you do read this book! It is a heart touching book about a gorilla who is stuck in a cage at a mall and wants to know what it is like to be with other gorillas in the wild. His only friends are a little girl, 2 elephants, and a little lost dog. They keep him company through his life and journey. L.L.

Bean does not always do the right thing all the time, but what kid does? Do you like a little mischief? If you do, this is the book for you! Ivy and Bean go on a lot of adventures; not just in this book but in the entire series. M.F.
Pant, pant. Here comes Buddy from his book Buddy by M.H. Herlong. A three legged dog gets left alone in New Orleans in Hurricane Katrina. Lil' T is trying with all his might to get Buddy
back. It has the craziest ending that you will never forget. So go get the book to find out what happened. B.G.
Ruff, ruff! Do you love dogs, this is your book! Buddy the dog gets hit by a car. The same dog gets sent to California. This has a very bad ending. I know I'm a boy, but this is my favorite book! M.D.

This book is a story about a disabled girl who can't walk or talk and is very smart, but nobody knows it. She learns the same lessons every day. Finally one day she is allowed to learn regularly, but are the kids ready to see the real Melody? M.C
Have you ever felt like no one understands you? Well, that's how Melody feels. she is the smartest kid in her school, but no one knows. If she could talk everyone would understand. She...wait, why would I tell you what happened? You need to see for yourself. S.M.

Do you like sports? Or do you like math? Either way, this is a book for you! Owen Evans is a basketball superstar and Russel Evans is the smartest guy in school. The only thing in common is their last name. Then Russel gets picked for the team because he is tall. now the Evans twins need to work together to score. J.L.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be an orphan? Willow Chance was an orphan but then she was adopted by a lovely couple whom she loved very much. So when both of her new parents die in a car accident, she is devastated and all alone. Read this great book to find out how Willow Chance, the two time orphan, finds her happy ending. A.G.
Do you like Star Wars and origami? Then Origami Yoda is a good book for you. One day Dwight goes to school with a yoda finger puppet that is supposed to help with problems that they have. Yoda will tell them what to do, and it works. Tommy believes everything, along with everyone else except Harvey, who is basically Darth Vader of the middle school. Is Origami Yoda real or fake? Read the book to find out. L.D.

No school! If you like humorous books, Big Nate is the book. I find big Nate amazing because Nate and I have the same feelings about school. He hates school just like me. I'm pretty sure more people hate school than like school. No more school! J.K.
The Rooftoppers is the story of Sophie, who survived a shipwreck as a baby. Charles, a nice English man, decides to take her in. But when the National Childcare Agency decides Charles is not fit to care for her, they run away to Paris, France to find Sophie's real mother. While there, Sophie meets a group of people who called themselves the Rooftoppers. They were orphans that lived on the roofs of Paris. To find out more, read the book. E.C.

Do you like cats, adventure, and action? Read Warriors: Into the Wild. It is about a cat named Rusty who comes across four clans of cats who live in the wild. They give him the decision of a lifetime, to join them in the forest and take on an adventure greater than he could ever imagine. Will Rusty receive their offer and take on a new life? If he does, can he prove himself to the clan cats? Find out in Warriors: Into the Wild. S.V.

The Bone series is the adventure of three cousins. Fone Bone, Smiley Bone, and Phony Bone. As they venture through the valley they must face monsters like the rat creature and the dreaded Lord of the Locusts. With dragons. royalty, and Barrelhaven, it's a book series for adventurers. R.W.

Ever need a beauty tip? Well, there's lots of them in My Life in Pink and Green, a story about a girl getting scooped up in life. Her family pharmacy is closing down so she comes up with a plan to save it. At the same time she got into a fight with her best friend and she has developed a crush on her best friend's brother, Yamir. Find out what happens to Lucie and her friends in My Life in Pink and Green. C.B.

Have you ever been small, but good at basketball? Danny Walker is just that. As a 5'10" ninth grader he is playing for an AAU basketball team. His coach underestimates him and says he should play soccer. It is a good book because at the end he kicks a soccer ball, but says "I am a basketball player, not a soccer player." Danny played for the Celtics. His last game, he played the Lakers. It was a close game in that championship. If you like basketball, this is a good book for you.

Have you ever dreamed of being magic? Or flying on a broomstick while fighting dragons? Well, even if you haven't, the Harry Potter series might be a great series for you! This book is about a kid who has to live with his mean aunt, uncle and cousin Dudley because his parents died in a car accident when he was young...or so he thinks. After he finds out the truth about how his parents died, he gets launched into a whole new life in a school of magic. He has crazy adventures and learns things like the game of Quidditch and eventually, the final battle against Lord Voldemort in this book. Read this crazy action packed series to learn more! G.B.
Have you ever wanted to go on a tombquest? If your answer is yes, then you should read this fantastic page turner. This book takes place in a museum in New York City. Things happen that couldn't even happen in your wildest dreams. If you want to know what happens then you should read this awesome book. A.S.
Have you ever thought about being a half human and half god? Well, Percy Jackson and his friends are that every day. If you like the idea then you should read this book. This book has a lot of cliff hangers. I recommend it to grades 4-8. Q.P.
If you like long journeys or fire breathing dragons, then The Hobbit is the book for you. It all started one day with a hobbit that was dragged on a quest to reclaim a mountain for dwarfs. But, dangers come along the way with orks and goblins and a fire breathing dragon. If you like adventures and action, then read this book! N.R.
If you like the Patriots or you like football I think this book would be good for you. It's about a kid that is a quarterback for his football team. He signed up to try to throw a football through a hoop at a Patriots game and if he makes it in the hoop he will win a million dollars. I.L.
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