Book reviews written by our Grade 4 students
The book The Wide Window is the third book in the Series of Unfortunate Events. I loved this book because it is exciting and mysterious. The series is about three kids whose parents perished in a fire. Each book is about them living with a different relative because something had happened to the relative that they had in the last book, but in every book the first relative, named Count Olaf keeps appearing in every book with a disguise so that the children wouldn't recognize him, but of course they always recognize him. In this book Count Olaf is disguising himself as a sailboat seller named Captain Sham. In the book Captain Sham forces the children's guardian, Josephine, to give the children to him. Josephine is scared of everything so she writes a note to the children saying that she went to Curdled Cave, so the children steal a sailboat and sails across the lake in a hurricane. Will they make it across? Oh yes I forgot to tell you about the Lachrymose Leaches who will eat you alive!
A.I., Grade 4
Try not being able to read and write for a day. It's hard. Now imagine having someone bullying you too. How would you react? Read this book to learn about this amazing girl that goes through all this. But she does have a few people to help her through these struggles. This is a heart touching book. C.N.

Harry's parent's have died, and he is stuck with his mean aunt, uncle, and cousin. Harry hates his relatives. Shortly after, a half giant called Hagrid takes him to a magical school. I love this book sooo much! 1,000,000stars! C.Kl.
Harry is stuck with his aunt and uncle. Can he escape his evil relatives? Thousands of letters are being delivered to Harry. why are these letters being delivered and by who? This is the best book like...EVER! C. Kn.
Harry has to live with his dreadful Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and his greedy, spoiled cousin Dudley. Harry has been getting tons of letters. A half giant, Hagrid, takes him to Hogwarts. And that's where the adventures start. Right now I am 2/3 through the fourth book. I LOVE the series! People who are into magic will enjoy the series. M.J.

Have you ever been scolded for doing what you love? Because Rose Howard is all the time. Rose is obsessed with homonyms, prime numbers, and rules. She is thrilled that her own name is a homonym and gave a homonym to her dog Rain. Rose loves homonyms, but it seems like nobody else does. S.I.

New girl, new teacher, and a weird group of kids. The teacher ends up in a terrible accident and you don't even want to know. It's sad because he is the best teacher EVER! E.L.

If you like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, then you sure will love Big Nate. This book is great for people who like graphic novels and very funny books. This is a very funny book and I think it is awesome. J. C.

If you like scary books, read this book. It's a horror thriller by R.L. Stine. This book is about a dummy who can talk and walk and this is his Plan C...This is a very scary book. I think it is a good option for grades 4-5 to read. J.R.

Time to fight back. Join Leif, Barbara, and Jasmine on the quest to save Deltora and defeat the Shadowlord. This is a really good book series and they are action packed. C.S.
Do you love animals? Well, I have a book for you. Spirit Animals is about animals that come out of your wrist. The characters are getting ready to get their spirit animals. Meilin gets shot in the back with a bow and arrow, but she was ok. My opinion is you should read the series. They are really good books. I give it 5 stars. N.C.
It's a game, it's a library. In this book a new library is opening and 12 kids were picked to check out the library, but then it turned into a game. Who will win? This book is awesome! K.S.

Time to fly in underpants! Friends George and Harold try to fight a toilet. I think this book is awesome because I like the fighting and flying. It's cool. C.L.

What will happen after they go to court to see if Lindy has done something bad or not? Will she win or lose? Lindy Sachs is sick with mono and her dad does the trading accounts for work. He is busy so she does it while he's gone and she goes a little overboard. This book is really funny and my favorite book ever. You have to read it! M.W.

This book is about a boy who got cardboard for his birthday. Not just any cardboard, but magic cardboard. he saves the world from cardboard monsters. I like this book because it is a graphic novel, and graphic novels are a lot like comic books. M.M.
This is about a boy who has cardboard. The cardboard comes alive and everything turns into a huge disaster! M.G.
It is about this boy who has a birthday and his dad gets him cardboard and its magic. It's a good book and I like its genre. M.W.

It's about a boy who is disfigured and feels lonely. Then August moves to a new school and people don't look at him like the people used to. Every time I turned the page I got more interested. J.L.
It's about a boy with a face that's extraordinary and he makes me wonder. T.J.
The intense story of an Indian girl named Seema in her move to America and her struggles. It really describes her feelings. F.D.
It's about this kid named Alex and he realized his uncle was a spy, but then he died. J.G.
It is about a little boy and his pet polar bear. The little boy likes to fail, I guess. They are also a little bit of a spy. Do they want to fail or not? It was funny. T.M.
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